Monday, March 2, 2015

Piaget, Vygotsky, & Bruner


Piaget’s theory is genetic epistemology.
His main concepts were the different stages of development; assimilation; accommodation; and equilibrium.
Implications on theory include sense making through age appropriate instruction


Vygotsky’s theory of cognitive development /social origins of thinking.
His main concepts were internalization, zones of proximal development (ZPD), and inter-subjectivity.
Implications on instruction include meaning making, focusing on language, purposeful use of scaffolding.

Facets of Theory
- social interaction
- variations in development

- all learning is not active
- brain development limitations
- motivation


Bruner’s theory was 3 modes of representing understanding. Main concepts.. development not contingent on age, inactive, iconic, symbolic.. Implications for Instruction include discovery, inquiry.

Facets of Theory
- structure of the disciplines (SoD)
- inductive thinking
- scaffolding
- discovery method

- SoD - counter to discovery
- inefficient
- impractical
- resource intensive